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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 131: Setting Boundaries with Food-Pushers

Dec 07, 2021

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Raise your hand if this has happened to you...

You head into the holidays intent on maintaining the healthy habits you've been working on over the last 9 months.

You know how to make healthier treats, you've been practicing moderation, and you're excited to finally make it to the New Year without an extra 10 pounds of fluff around your midsection.

And then... you visit your family.

You walk in the door and before you've set your suitcase down your mom is pinching the skin on your hips asking if...

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Episode 130: Are You Guilty of These Hormone-Disrupting Habits?

Nov 30, 2021

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Hormones... they can be our greatest gift, supporting our ability to have children, making us feel sexy sexy when our partner gives us 'the eyes', guiding our bodies to function properly with intricate messages sent on a second-to-second basis.

They also can be the bane of our existence, wreaking havoc on our emotions, cursing us with cramps, and directing fat deposits to hold onto our hips for dear life.

Two episodes back we talked about the myriad of things we can do to support our hormone health, but then I...

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Episode 129: 7 Thanksgiving Health Hacks That Don't Involve Deprivation

Nov 23, 2021

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Aaaaah Thanksgiving, a wonderful day to reconnect with family, to remind ourselves all we have to be grateful for... and to stuff our bellies to the brim. 

Now I know right off the bat if I even mention the idea of making healthier choices on Thanksgiving there will be people who get immediately defensive: "I'm not going to worry about eating healthy on Thanksgiving! It's THANKSGIVING!"

And to that I say, hear me out. 

Because I'm not here to take away your favorite dishes...

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Episode 128: Weight Loss After Menopause!

Nov 16, 2021

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Picture this: you're in your 40's and suddenly you're experiencing things you've never had to deal with before. You're getting hot when it's 62 degrees outside, your husband's chewing is suddenly making you irrationally angry, you're starting to see a tire forming around your midsection despite your daily barre class, and sleep comes in inconsistent waves that are driving you mad. 

Yup, you've hit perimenopause and now you want to know what to do to slow down the clock (if not turn it back...

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Episode 111: Life Changing Journal Prompts to Get Out of Your Own Way

Jul 13, 2021

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What's my #1 tool for getting out of my own way when trying to achieve big goals?

Journaling. I know it’s cheesy, and self-helpy, and therapisty to say, but it FREAKING WORKS.

More often than not what holds us back is the autopilot thoughts and habits that play on repeat day after day.

The magic of journaling is it forces us to take a step back, to question those limiting beliefs and actions, to get an outside perspective on our own lives, and to more clearly see the way OUT.

But I know journaling can be...

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Episode 107: Kat's Favorite Products for Staying Healthy During Busy Seasons

Jun 15, 2021

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Ok so if you know me, you know I love giving ya'll really insightful, in-depth trainings on all things holistic health and weight loss. 

I love digging into your psyche and getting down into the nitty gritty details of what's really holding you back from reaching your goals.

But let's be real, sometimes you don't need '5 ways to overcome your inner critic' or '7 habits for healthy hormones' (although that sounds like a great episode... maybe I'll record that one soon).

Sometimes you just need some straight...

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Episode 105: Starting a Weight Loss Journey With My S.T.R.O.N.G Method

Jun 01, 2021

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As the pandemic winds down, you may be feeling like you're starting at square one with your health and fitness journey. 

With excess stress, closed gyms, no consistent routine, the pantry 5 steps away at all times, and no one seeing us from the chest down, a lot of us struggled not to put weight on and say bye-bye to healthy habits.

So let's break it down, start from the beginning, and take it one step at a time using my S.T.R.O.N.G Method:

Start Your Journey with Clarity.

So few people take the time to...

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Episode 101: Realistic Health Advice for Busy-Ass Mamas with Natalie Peterson

May 04, 2021

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To all the mommas out there, you are seen and appreciated! This episode and article are just for you. Being a parent is hard. It is thankless, wonderful work. You give all day long to your kids and only get a break when you are sleeping.

Because of this dynamic, it can be that much harder to focus on your health and happiness. But it doesn’t make it any less important. And the good news is, there are solutions.

I'm Natalie Peterson, Mom of 2 girls (4 and 10 months), Health & Happiness Coach for Women in...

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Episode 98: 5 Essential Habits to Build Unshakeable Confidence

Apr 13, 2021

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Last week, I posted a pretty serious video calling out the men who were doing the virtual version of cat-calling on my TikTok channel (see the video above).

Now if you follow me on social media, you know this video was a far cry from my usual bubbly, happy-go-lucky content. But I knew in my heart it was necessary.

And that knowing was validated when one week later I had almost 40,000 views and over 500 comments from women sharing their stories of abusive men, fear, and bullies.

Thanking me for standing up,...

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Episode 90: Overcoming Post-Keto Carb Fear

Feb 16, 2021

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I can't begin to tell you how many clients come to me post-keto, sick and tired of following such a restrictive diet, looking for a more balanced, sustainable way to lose weight, but unable to shake the fear of carbs that keto instilled in them. 

What I find food fear truly stems from is either a lack of information, or misinformation spread about a particular food (and keto has mastered the art of misinformation). 

So let's clear some things up around how carbs actually affect the...

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