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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 132: 5 Healthier Holiday Traditions to Start

Dec 14, 2021

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Years ago, whenever the holidays came around, I always felt like I had to make a choice. A choice between...

The part of me that wanted to fully embrace the holiday season, savoring my favorite traditions and treats. 

And the part of me that wanted desperately to avoid the dreaded holiday weight that seemed to be an inevitability of the season.

But after years of turmoil, I realized...

The answer wasn't to choose one side over the other.

The answer wasn't...

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Episode 131: Setting Boundaries with Food-Pushers

Dec 07, 2021

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Raise your hand if this has happened to you...

You head into the holidays intent on maintaining the healthy habits you've been working on over the last 9 months.

You know how to make healthier treats, you've been practicing moderation, and you're excited to finally make it to the New Year without an extra 10 pounds of fluff around your midsection.

And then... you visit your family.

You walk in the door and before you've set your suitcase down your mom is pinching the skin on your hips asking if...

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Episode 130: Are You Guilty of These Hormone-Disrupting Habits?

Nov 30, 2021

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Hormones... they can be our greatest gift, supporting our ability to have children, making us feel sexy sexy when our partner gives us 'the eyes', guiding our bodies to function properly with intricate messages sent on a second-to-second basis.

They also can be the bane of our existence, wreaking havoc on our emotions, cursing us with cramps, and directing fat deposits to hold onto our hips for dear life.

Two episodes back we talked about the myriad of things we can do to support our hormone health, but then I...

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Episode 129: 7 Thanksgiving Health Hacks That Don't Involve Deprivation

Nov 23, 2021

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Aaaaah Thanksgiving, a wonderful day to reconnect with family, to remind ourselves all we have to be grateful for... and to stuff our bellies to the brim. 

Now I know right off the bat if I even mention the idea of making healthier choices on Thanksgiving there will be people who get immediately defensive: "I'm not going to worry about eating healthy on Thanksgiving! It's THANKSGIVING!"

And to that I say, hear me out. 

Because I'm not here to take away your favorite dishes...

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Episode 128: Weight Loss After Menopause!

Nov 16, 2021

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Picture this: you're in your 40's and suddenly you're experiencing things you've never had to deal with before. You're getting hot when it's 62 degrees outside, your husband's chewing is suddenly making you irrationally angry, you're starting to see a tire forming around your midsection despite your daily barre class, and sleep comes in inconsistent waves that are driving you mad. 

Yup, you've hit perimenopause and now you want to know what to do to slow down the clock (if not turn it back...

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Episode 127: Intermittent Fasting... Take It or Leave It?

Nov 09, 2021

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I'm sure you've heard all the buzz in the past few years about the wonders of intermittent fasting.

You've probably heard appealing promises like...

It's great for longevity!

It prevents signs of aging!

It's fantastic for weight loss!

But you can't help but wonder... is it just another passing fad or a new essential in your nutrition arsenal? Is it right for you? What are the pros and cons? Which schedule is the best? Does it actually work for weight loss?

We're going to answer all that and more in...

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Episode 126: 10 Fitness Mistakes That Are Inhibiting Your Weight Loss

Nov 02, 2021

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So you finally did it! After hemming and hawing for weeks, you finally got up the motivation to start a workout routine.

You got a cute new workout outfit, you found a gym, class, or program you're ready to commit to, you got your hair in that high messy bun that says you mean business, and you are ready to get in there and prove to those mean girls from high school you do NOT have cankles!

But a month later, you've only lost a pound and feel that hyped up motivation slipping through your...

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Episode 125: What Does It Really Take To Get Flat Abs???

Oct 26, 2021

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Aaaah, the ever elusive flat abs, the toned tummy, the 6-pack... how ever will we find you?

I remember back in my dancer days, a slim waist was the pinnacle of beauty in my eyes. I loved looking at my flat stomach in the morning, but lamented the first meal that would immediately send me back to 'fluffy' territory.

And believe you me, I tried all the gimmicks - apple cider vinegar, 6-pack ab workouts from women's magazines, drinking this drink, following that plan.

Shocker of shockers, it got me nowhere.

Which is why...

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Episode 124: Is Sugar REALLY That Bad?? (Halloween Edition)

Oct 19, 2021

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It was the first week of November, 2003. I was 11 years old and had my stash of Halloween candy stuffed into the corner of my closet.

I was old enough that my mom didn't throw part of it away or moderate my intake, so I did what a lot of kids would do at one of their first chances at unlimited candy... I ate it. All of it. 

Each night after dinner when everyone had gone to bed, I would pull out the giant bag, put it on my bed, and eat while watching Nick at Night. 

This was the first time I ever abused...

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Episode 123: Fitness 101: Types of Exercise and Their Benefits

Oct 12, 2021

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Do you ever walk into the gym feeling unsure and self conscious, so you just hop on the treadmill to avoid any possible embarrassment?

Do you feel like when you workout you're just spinning your wheels, not getting the results you're looking for?

Do you wish you knew how to optimize your sweat sessions to get the most burn for your buck without injuring yourself?

In today's episode I'm going to help you gain more understanding of the different types of workouts to choose from, their benefits, and...

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