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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Anniversary Episode (52): Weight Loss Success Stories to Inspire You to START!

May 26, 2020

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Have you been thinking about trying to lose weight, attempting to tone up, or trying your hand at becoming the fittest version of yourself? But... 

You're nervous. You've been burned in the past, you don't want to fail again, you're afraid of the amount of work it'll take, and you aren't sure if you'll be able to maintain your results if you do finally hit your goal weight?

All I can say is, every successful client I have started exactly where you are right now. They had all the same fears, all...

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Episode 51: Sugar Cravings Suck! Here are 3 Steps to Conquer Them.

May 19, 2020

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Sugar. It can be such a source of joy, comfort, and celebration, while it can just as easily transform into an uncontrollable source of weight gain, shame spirals, and some rough bouts of acne and bloating (I know... hot). 

And just like you, I've been there, walking that line between the good, the bad, and the ugly side of sugar. 

But why is it so hard to walk that line? Why is it such a slippery slope? And is there room for sugar in a healthy, well-balance diet?


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Episode 50: 4 Reasons Your Metabolism is Shot and You Can't Lose Weight

May 12, 2020

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Last week, we talked all about what mental shifts you need to make to get off the yoyo diet train.

But if you've been on that sucker for a while and you've spent years cutting calories, cutting food groups, and increasing your workouts, chances are pretty good your metabolism is all kinds of jacked up. 

I see it all the time with new clients, they come to me saying things like, "I only eat 1200 calories per day and workout hard 7 days per week, but I can't lose an ounce."

Yup, that's extreme diets at...

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Episode 49: 4 Mental Shifts to Stop Yo-Yo Dieting for Good

May 05, 2020

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So you want to lose weight, you're ready to take your fitness goals off the back burner, and kick your butt into gear. And low and behold, like an answer to your prayers, you see an ad for the newest diet that promises you'll drop 20 pounds in your first month, and all you have to do is (fill in the blank). 

You've been here before. Sometimes the fill in the blank is simple and straight forward, like cutting out all added sugar. Sometimes it's gross like only drinking a concoction of lemon and cayenne...

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Episode 48: 'It's Probably Leaky Gut' with Holistic Nutritionist Megan Kelly

Apr 28, 2020

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Have you ever experienced symptoms that you couldn't explain?

Has a doctor ever prescribed you medicine to mask your symptoms without really knowing the cause?

Have you ever had the joy of dealing with adult acne, eczema, psoriasis, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, constipation, thyroid issues, autoimmune diseases, bloating, headaches, foggy headedness, PCOS, food sensitivities, diabetes, joint pain, and/or other inflammatory conditions?

Believe it or not, it could all be pointing back to your gut. Your ...

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Episode 47: 3 Ways to Lose Weight WITHOUT Counting Calories (And Why They Work)

Apr 21, 2020

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We've all been told the rule of weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume. And while there is a lot more complexity  in how different food affects your body, your metabolism, your hormones, and your health (more on that in the 'eat less/move more' bonus episode after episode 33), the general premise is true. 

But for those of us who don't have the time, energy, or desire to count every morsel that touches our lips, how do we ensure we're creating that deficit? 

Here are 3 proven ways to...

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Episode 46: 5 Proven Ways to Overcome Stress Eating

Apr 14, 2020

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We all are under inordinate amounts of stress lately. And being stuck in the house with extra time on your hands, can quickly lead to fridge raids, and mindless binges if you don't have a plan and tools in place to prevent it.  

So today we're talking about 6 proven ways to keep you from stress-eating your way to the quarantine 15. 

  1. Create as many barriers as possible between you and your 'red light' foods. If it isn't in the house, it's much harder to eat it. This is a much smarter strategy than...
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Episode 45: 3 Ways to Create a Routine During a Quarantine

Apr 07, 2020

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With the kids at home, businesses shutting down, and days and weeks blurring together, a routine may feel hard to come by.

But creating and sticking with a regular routine could be the best medicine amidst the chaos. 

Here are 3 approaches to try.

1. Themed Days: Make each day centered around one type of task.

  • Monday: Meal Prep
  • Tuesday: Cleaning
  • Wednesday: Major Work Projects
  • Thursday: Minor Work Tasks (emails, client reach out, etc.)
  • Friday: Social Media Engagement/Planning


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Episode 44: Fighting Anxiety, Addiction, and Illness With Meditation

Mar 31, 2020

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Sorry friends! Technology and I aren't friends today and the break down of the podcast got erased

Basically, whether you're new to meditation and you don't know where to start, or you're a meditation veteran and just want a deeper understanding of how it's impacting you from the inside out, this episode is for you. I'm uncovering the science behind the practice, and how it can keep you calm, sane, and healthier through this pandemic.

Plus I'm sharing 4 simple methods for you to get started in the free...

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Episode 43: 10 Ways to Boost Your Health and Sanity Today

Mar 24, 2020

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Times are scary and uncertain at the moment, but now is not the time to focus on all the things we can't control. Now is the time to double down on the things we can: our health, our mindset, and our habits. 

Which is why today I'm sharing 10 steps you can take to improve all 3, and give your immune system a boost in the process. 

1. Exercise.

Fitness works on numerous fronts to help your immune system. It increases white blood cells, reduces the stress hormone cortisol, and it may help...

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