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Follow Your Gut

Dive into my best tips for sustainable weight loss, vibrant health, and unstoppable body confidence.

Episode 112: How Trauma Affects Your Brain (Willpower May Not Be Your Problem After All)

Jul 20, 2021

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For years I've said that the negative emotions and experiences we don't process and release get stored in the body. Sometimes as fat, sometimes as illness, sometimes as injury.

It always sounded 'woo woo' when it came out of my mouth, but finally I've discovered a book that scientifically backs up this intuition. 

'The Body Keeps the Score' by Bessel Van Der KolK, MD, is one of the most comprehensive books I've ever read on trauma, how it affects the brain and body, and how to heal...

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Episode 111: Life Changing Journal Prompts to Get Out of Your Own Way

Jul 13, 2021

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What's my #1 tool for getting out of my own way when trying to achieve big goals?

Journaling. I know it’s cheesy, and self-helpy, and therapisty to say, but it FREAKING WORKS.

More often than not what holds us back is the autopilot thoughts and habits that play on repeat day after day.

The magic of journaling is it forces us to take a step back, to question those limiting beliefs and actions, to get an outside perspective on our own lives, and to more clearly see the way OUT.

But I know journaling can be...

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Episode 110: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 2)

Jul 06, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and...

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Episode 109: How She Lost Almost 100 Pounds Without Dieting (Part 1)

Jun 29, 2021

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How do I describe Destinee? She is loud, loving, and absolutely beautiful. 

But her strength and beauty doesn't come from an easy life. Her strength comes from the battles she's faced. Her beauty is in her battle scars.

She is a warrior and I am so excited to share her story of losing almost 100 pounds in the last 3 years without dieting.

But my words won't do it justice, so here's all I'll say: When I first met Destinee, she was 270 pounds and while the world saw a shining smile and vivacious...

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Episode 108: How This People-Pleaser Set Some Hard Boundaries [TikTok Drama Edition]

Jun 22, 2021

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"When you're not used to being confident, confidence feels like arrogance.

When you're used to being passive, assertiveness feels like aggression.

When you're not used to getting your needs met, prioritizing yourself feels selfish. Your comfort zone is not a good benchmark." - @cosmicteaholisticshop

A friend shared this quote with me recently and boy did it hit close to home. 

I've been a passive people-pleaser most of my life, and while I've spent years working through that in therapy, my limits have been...

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Episode 107: Kat's Favorite Products for Staying Healthy During Busy Seasons

Jun 15, 2021

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Ok so if you know me, you know I love giving ya'll really insightful, in-depth trainings on all things holistic health and weight loss. 

I love digging into your psyche and getting down into the nitty gritty details of what's really holding you back from reaching your goals.

But let's be real, sometimes you don't need '5 ways to overcome your inner critic' or '7 habits for healthy hormones' (although that sounds like a great episode... maybe I'll record that one soon).

Sometimes you just need some straight...

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Episode 106: Stuck in the All-or-Nothing Mindset Around Food? This Episode is for You!

Jun 08, 2021

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 Does any of this describe you...

  • Feeling like the day is ruined after eating a cookie.
  • Repenting for overeating with cleanses, starving yourself, or doing crazy workouts.
  • Not starting a diet because you’re waiting for when you can be 100%.
  • Filling up on treats before a diet starts and you know you’ll have to stop.
  • Eating all the bad food in your house to get rid of the temptation.
  • Restricting for long periods of time followed by binging.

 If you answered yes, you my friend, are a diet...

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Episode 105: Starting a Weight Loss Journey With My S.T.R.O.N.G Method

Jun 01, 2021

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As the pandemic winds down, you may be feeling like you're starting at square one with your health and fitness journey. 

With excess stress, closed gyms, no consistent routine, the pantry 5 steps away at all times, and no one seeing us from the chest down, a lot of us struggled not to put weight on and say bye-bye to healthy habits.

So let's break it down, start from the beginning, and take it one step at a time using my S.T.R.O.N.G Method:

Start Your Journey with Clarity.

So few people take the time to...

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Episode 104: 5 Hard Facts You Need to Know About Weight Loss

May 25, 2021

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Have you ever gone on a weight loss journey and had a freak out moment because...

The scale went up even though you were doing everything right.

Or you self-sabotaged and ate a whole pizza after you were so good all week.

Or you felt your motivation drop and couldn't figure out how to get it back.

The reason we freak out is because we feel these things are not supposed to happen and it leaves us feeling totally out of...

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Episode 103: Keto. Is. Dangerous.

May 18, 2021

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Ok, after a doctor recommended my client be on a ‘keto lifestyle’ for no good reason I had to create this episode and VENT!!!

Understand, I would take no issue with keto if it wasn’t actively dangerous.

I have known multiple people who had life-threatening complications happen because of being on keto.


The cliff notes?

Keto makes your body highly acidic which is the perfect environment for pathogens to...

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